Sunday League

Entries close on 2nd April


The online entry form can be accessed by clicking the button below. Please note, if you completed the initial survey you still have to apply again.

Open to all ability levels

The Sunday League is a doubles internal team competition played in the summer on Sunday evenings.  

Each team consists of players of all standards who are matched against players of the same standard in the other teams. All matches contribute equally to the team score regardless of level.

You don't have to find a team.

Member join the league as individuals and balanced teams are chosen by the organisers.  You can ask to be with someone else but there are no guarantees. If you can’t commit to Sundays or, if the competition is full, you might be offered a place can choose to join the reserve pool where you might be invited upon to play if a team can not fill its roster.

6pm every second Sunday starting 17th April

The exact number of Sundays the competition runs for will depend on the final level of interest and bad weather may force us to cancel and push then schedule back.   Each match will last approximately an hour. 

The first matches will start at 6pm with other matches starting later as court availability allows.then

It costs £10 to Join

This is a one off fee which covers balls and lights.  There will be no charge on the night.


The competition will be a doubles competition run every other Sunday at 6pm starting 17th of April 2022. The exact number of Sundays will depend on the number of teams.

Players will enter individually and be assigned to teams by the organisers. Captains will be chosen by the organisers from those who have said they are willing to be captains.

Each team will consist of 8 people. The team members will be ordered by ability from 1 to 8. Team order will be agreed between the organisers and the team captain.

On any given Sunday only 6 team members ( three pairs ) of a team will play. Experience has shown that there are often reasons why people can not make every single Sunday. These will be chosen by the captain and depending on availability and fairness. The top two ranked players of the 6 will be the ‘advanced’ level pair on the night, the next two will be the ‘intermediate’ pair and the next to will be ‘improvers/beginners’ pair.

If numbers allow there will be an additional reserve pool of players who cannot commit to the competition but want to take part if there is a one off opportunity. If a team cannot field three pairs then the captain will be able to draw on this pool of reserves to fill their roster.

On any given Sunday the organizers will decide which team is matched against which. Over the course of the competition every team should play every other team once or twice depending on the number of teams.

On any given Sunday each of the three pairs from a team will play the same level pair from the team they are matched with on that Sunday.

The format of the matches will be….

The matches will be scored as follows….

Rewarding, fun and costs less than you might think!

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Entries close on 2nd April


The online entry form can be accessed by clicking the button below. Please note, if you completed the initial survey you still have to apply again.

Open to all ability levels

The Sunday League is a doubles internal team competition played in the summer on Sunday evenings.  

Each team consists of players of all standards who are matched against players of the same standard in the other teams. All matches contribute equally to the team score regardless of level.

You don't have to find a team.

Member join the league as individuals and balanced teams are chosen by the organisers.  You can ask to be with someone else but there are no guarantees. If you can’t commit to Sundays or, if the competition is full, you might be offered a place can choose to join the reserve pool where you might be invited upon to play if a team can not fill its roster.

6pm every second Sunday starting 17th April

The exact number of Sundays the competition runs for will depend on the final level of interest and bad weather may force us to cancel and push then schedule back.   Each match will last approximately an hour. 

The first matches will start at 6pm with other matches starting later as court availability allows.then

It costs £10 to Join

This is a one off fee which covers balls and lights.  There will be no charge on the night.


The competition will be a doubles competition run every other Sunday at 6pm starting 17th of April 2022. The exact number of Sundays will depend on the number of teams.

Players will enter individually and be assigned to teams by the organisers. Captains will be chosen by the organisers from those who have said they are willing to be captains.

Each team will consist of 8 people. The team members will be ordered by ability from 1 to 8. Team order will be agreed between the organisers and the team captain.

On any given Sunday only 6 team members ( three pairs ) of a team will play. Experience has shown that there are often reasons why people can not make every single Sunday. These will be chosen by the captain and depending on availability and fairness. The top two ranked players of the 6 will be the ‘advanced’ level pair on the night, the next two will be the ‘intermediate’ pair and the next to will be ‘improvers/beginners’ pair.

If numbers allow there will be an additional reserve pool of players who cannot commit to the competition but want to take part if there is a one off opportunity. If a team cannot field three pairs then the captain will be able to draw on this pool of reserves to fill their roster.

On any given Sunday the organizers will decide which team is matched against which. Over the course of the competition every team should play every other team once or twice depending on the number of teams.

On any given Sunday each of the three pairs from a team will play the same level pair from the team they are matched with on that Sunday.

The format of the matches will be….

The matches will be scored as follows….